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Welcome to Gate and Key

Gate and Key: An Online Comic by M. Fearn

Saturday, September 30, 2006

New Updates

YAY NEW PAGE! So, who is the mysterious intruder? Any thoughts, wishes? Perhaps you should tell me what you think. Hint hint.

I have a sociology project to work on. Blegh. And I'm waiting for my friend to continue the "Letter Game" that we started... I'll probably post that story when it gets time to wait for me to color chapter 2 and you have to wait for ten months for me to get done. I also have a small filler comic for you all to sink you teeth into -- thank god it doesn't need to get colored...

I did a lot of updates last week, in case you missed them. The character profiles now have pictures to go with them. Almost everything is now properly linked up. I have created an outline for Gate and Key. Worry not, no spoilers. Now let's see how closely I manage to stick to it ^^. If you're curious, it's under the "Information" page, and here is the direct link: Effiekun.googlepages.com/outline.

Finally, my AMV recommendation for you is Anything You Can Do. Marvelous hand done animation, and it's just so funny. Especially if you're an Envy or Greed fan.
- How do you get your voice to go so high?
- I'm a girl, duh!
- o.0 OMFG! 0.o

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hooray for Sunday

New page up, and it's full of angst. And over dramatization. But those things can be fun in small doses. The Zanazei storyline is about to be put aside for a moment (we'll see him again in chapter three) and a new storyline is about to unfold. Can you believe that we're half way to the end of the chapter? o.0!

Anyway, I'm going through the site, and fixing all of the links. There are some really horrible errors in this poor thing. For Example: Remember how I was talking about re-doing the character bios yesterday? Well, I discovered that although I have all of the characters done and on seperate pages, I forgot to link those bios to the character page! I feel so so so dumb.

Finally, once I'm done that perhaps I can start linking up the Music Video Recomendations. I'll work on those, as I've been doing a recomendation everytime I post, and it will be easy as pie, I think. Other recommendations will have to wait, I'm afraid. .

My recommendation for today is: Bleeding Soul

Marvelous and sad AMV, clips from the first Rurouni Kenshin OVA, with the song Enigma by Trapt. Moving and bloody, the AMV has the timing down to a second, and the clips match what goes on in the song perfectly.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Begs Humbly for Appology

Sorry, y'all, I was was too sick to update last Sunday, and school tried to kill me over the week. I rallied on Friday, though, and retook my bed time back from the grip of the School Army.

Looking over my post from Saturday, I am rather glad that I didn't post on Sunday. The number of errors in the Saturday post looked as if I let Voyager, my kitten, type it for me. I is so ashamed. ^^

BTW, if you have a comment or question about a particular day's page, don't heistate to add comments to my posts. I don't know whether anyone is reading it otherwise. I will respond (if you haven't noticed, I like to type muchly).

Hmm. Today's recommendation is: Waka Laka for Osaka. Something nice and upbeat in comparison to last time. And Sunday's recommendation, which will be long, bloody, and sad. I hope you enjoy.

As for my notes on today's page: This was my first attempt at using layer masks. I am nosw much better, and fire will never come out as grainy again ^^. But whee! Fire.

Sigh. I'm now going to have to rewrite Zen's profie. And Zanazei's. Hmm. Or I could wait until tomorrow when Zen is actually decalered dead. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Well, I'm currently about to run under my covers and do my art homework as I am surrounded by cough drops, and herbal tea. Yes. I am very sick, and I still have homework to do. Blarrr.

Currently I'm listening to "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" on NPR, as I do almost every Saturday. I really recommend it. People should listen to NPR more often. It's hard to find good reporting, and lack of commercials in other radio shows, and it doesn't have the need for political agendas that TV seems to have. "Wait, Wait" is always funny, in any case, and lets us see the lighter side of the news.

Anyway, before I begin talking about today's page (although that shouldn't take much time, as there are only so many ways you can explain "Blam!") I must recommend: Wrath's Song: I Feel So. I recommend it more for the song, which is L'Zanazei's theme song. If you've read today's page then you know what why that's his theme song. If not read today's page, and then listen.

As for today's page -- well, I'm ruthless to my main character's that's all I can say. Just be glad that I don't know how to draw bits of brains. Hmm. I should read more Berserk.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I kinda forgot to tell everyone that there was an update on Sunday, and relink the "new" pages...

Well, there was an update, and if you want to look at the archive, you'll see it. The newest page -- pg. 4 -- is the last page of my "old" art style. This is kinda hard to tell, as page 3 was actually made way after page 4, and so the obsessive detail, and interesting pannel sequences of the new style looks as if it's part of the old one. You know, I'm not certain how much sense that makes to people -- but I am trying to explain that my porportions and stuff get way better from now on.

As for my pre-web work: Chapter three is well under way, in the drafting stage. Charpter Two is still being inked, but Chapter one is all colored, so I feel like I'm ahead of the game.

Anyway, in other news, I am currently as sick as a dog. Hopefully I'll be better before school starts tomorrow, as I have a big speech in my public speaking class, and I don't want to have to do it when no one else is going along with me.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I have a new kitty! Yay! She's a kitten small enough to fit on my palm! Oh-so-Kawaii. She's going to be an indoors kitten until next spring, and then she might be let out of doors is she's big enough and the fisher/marten that ate my last cat is dead. I'm so happy.

Currently listening to: Fruits Basket - A Song for Everyone

Anyway, a new page is up, and my friend is writing Fanfiction behind me. Life is good.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day Update

Well, the second post is up. I hope people are enjoying. Or the single person who is looking at this is. Still working on linking things up properly. Currently the links to the "Art" and "Recommendations" are not working, as I don't have anything there for anyone to see. However, the character bios are all linked up, and you can read about Osprey. I'll have to get Auntie Ai up another time. Well, enjoy.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The First Page

Heh. Okay, so I'm two days late with this update. Friday was hectic, as far as school went, and I had no time to update, and Saturday I had to get school supplies. My lesson learned? Updates should only occur on weekends, or on vacations. That said, the sencond page will be up Monday, as that's labor day for me and I have nothing to worry about.

Click on the "archive" link if you want to see the title and the first page. Here's the direct link to the first page in case you don't want to sift through old images: http://effiekun.googlepages.com/ch1.pg.

I'm still getting everything worked out on google pages, and getting the coding finished. So, technically, this site is still under construction, but everything will be finished eventually. My current project is getting a character bio page up. I will try to do a character bio every time a character is introduced, as with some characters I don't give away names right off the bat, and I know that this annoys some readers.

At the end of each chapter or issue I will be taking a small break to make certain that the next chapter is up and in working order. To fill this dead time I will be posting explanations about the world, how magic works, and giving you all filler comic strips if enough people froth at the mouth because they're bored.


MF the Effie-kun
