Bakuretsu Con!
(Er, this was actually written last Sunday, and I saved it as a Draft and forgot to actually, you know, post it.)
I've been at Bakuretsu Con all weekend. I would actually be at it today, but my leg is killing me (I did something bad to it sometime yesterday -- not sure when), and I can't walk, or sit comfortably.

Sorry for the crappy picture. I did it with a dieing marker, and used old paper, and then wrote on it in Paint, as my laptop has no access to photoshop...
On the bright side though, I've now attented my first con,
Akina-chan had to go home at 6, sadly, and we got there at 5. (Mainly due to getting lost so often). Mimi and I waited for the DDR Prelims to start (they were supposed to be friday) but they never happened! I wasn't entering, but Mimi -- the DDR Goddess -- was, and boy you should have heard her growl at the Guitar-Hero people, who were taking up the space where the DDR pads should have been.
When we finally gave up (the nice staffers explained it was hard to have a preliminary round if only six people signed up, and only two of those 6 were actually in the video room) we rambled over and checked out the AMV constest. Really nice movies -- Mimi had been expecting a lot more amature stuff -- and a few really super great ones. Although WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many Final Fantasy based movies. Mainly FFX, but one or two FFVII: Advent Children and FFVIII. Mimi and I agreed, though, that at least they kept the Bleach and Naruto ones to a minimum, which we had thought would dominae the contest. BTW, on a totally unrelated topic: Stop obsessing over Yuna, people!
Saturday was great, as well. I got dropped off early, and so hung out in the continental breakfast for a bit. Got a few strange looks (I went to the cosplay as Witch Hunter Robin) but not as many as from the kids who were with my younger sibling when we dropped him off for the SATs at seven forty-five.^^
Mimi was in the DDR contest, and won second place in the Expert division. She would have won first, but Rob, the guy who beat her, has amazing feet, and had danced to almost all of the songs that was in the remix the con was using. Anyway, give it up for Mimi!
That's the basic con news. Today there's more Behind the Scenes piccies for out favorite characters at the Con. Well, maybe not favorite. But beloved, no? Or not. I don't really have a vid recommendation today, so I guess that's about it.

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