The First Page
Heh. Okay, so I'm two days late with this update. Friday was hectic, as far as school went, and I had no time to update, and Saturday I had to get school supplies. My lesson learned? Updates should only occur on weekends, or on vacations. That said, the sencond page will be up Monday, as that's labor day for me and I have nothing to worry about.
Click on the "archive" link if you want to see the title and the first page. Here's the direct link to the first page in case you don't want to sift through old images:
I'm still getting everything worked out on google pages, and getting the coding finished. So, technically, this site is still under construction, but everything will be finished eventually. My current project is getting a character bio page up. I will try to do a character bio every time a character is introduced, as with some characters I don't give away names right off the bat, and I know that this annoys some readers.
At the end of each chapter or issue I will be taking a small break to make certain that the next chapter is up and in working order. To fill this dead time I will be posting explanations about the world, how magic works, and giving you all filler comic strips if enough people froth at the mouth because they're bored.
MF the Effie-kun

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