Well, I'm currently about to run under my covers and do my art homework as I am surrounded by cough drops, and herbal tea. Yes. I am very sick, and I still have homework to do. Blarrr.
Currently I'm listening to "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" on NPR, as I do almost every Saturday. I really recommend it. People should listen to NPR more often. It's hard to find good reporting, and lack of commercials in other radio shows, and it doesn't have the need for political agendas that TV seems to have. "Wait, Wait" is always funny, in any case, and lets us see the lighter side of the news.
Anyway, before I begin talking about today's page (although that shouldn't take much time, as there are only so many ways you can explain "Blam!") I must recommend: Wrath's Song: I Feel So. I recommend it more for the song, which is L'Zanazei's theme song. If you've read today's page then you know what why that's his theme song. If not read today's page, and then listen.
As for today's page -- well, I'm ruthless to my main character's that's all I can say. Just be glad that I don't know how to draw bits of brains. Hmm. I should read more Berserk.

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