Hooray for Sunday
New page up, and it's full of angst. And over dramatization. But those things can be fun in small doses. The Zanazei storyline is about to be put aside for a moment (we'll see him again in chapter three) and a new storyline is about to unfold. Can you believe that we're half way to the end of the chapter? o.0!
Anyway, I'm going through the site, and fixing all of the links. There are some really horrible errors in this poor thing. For Example: Remember how I was talking about re-doing the character bios yesterday? Well, I discovered that although I have all of the characters done and on seperate pages, I forgot to link those bios to the character page! I feel so so so dumb.
Finally, once I'm done that perhaps I can start linking up the Music Video Recomendations. I'll work on those, as I've been doing a recomendation everytime I post, and it will be easy as pie, I think. Other recommendations will have to wait, I'm afraid.
My recommendation for today is: Bleeding Soul
Marvelous and sad AMV, clips from the first Rurouni Kenshin OVA, with the song Enigma by Trapt. Moving and bloody, the AMV has the timing down to a second, and the clips match what goes on in the song perfectly.

noble artist,
You want comments. It's effectively impossible to find out how to post them, using your site. I only got here by clicking on "0 comments", a link I thought would take me to your comment archive, not to a chance to post. The post comment link should be in your left menu, prominent -- assuming you actually want to hear from people. As things stand, they have to be VERY persistent to reach you.
-Nasty F
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