New Updates
YAY NEW PAGE! So, who is the mysterious intruder? Any thoughts, wishes? Perhaps you should tell me what you think. Hint hint.
I have a sociology project to work on. Blegh. And I'm waiting for my friend to continue the "Letter Game" that we started... I'll probably post that story when it gets time to wait for me to color chapter 2 and you have to wait for ten months for me to get done. I also have a small filler comic for you all to sink you teeth into -- thank god it doesn't need to get colored...
I did a lot of updates last week, in case you missed them. The character profiles now have pictures to go with them. Almost everything is now properly linked up. I have created an outline for Gate and Key. Worry not, no spoilers. Now let's see how closely I manage to stick to it ^^. If you're curious, it's under the "Information" page, and here is the direct link:
Finally, my AMV recommendation for you is Anything You Can Do. Marvelous hand done animation, and it's just so funny. Especially if you're an Envy or Greed fan.
- How do you get your voice to go so high?
- I'm a girl, duh!
- o.0 OMFG! 0.o