Pretend that this is Sunday
Okay, I know, I know, I was supposed to give you a blog post on Sunday to go along with the update. I forgot, I'm sorry.
News: Well, we at least now know that the intruder isn't Zanazei. But what's green, has red eyes, and pointy little teeth? Hint: It's usually only green in my crazed imagination.
Our little intruder is going to become pretty "key" to the plot, so keep an eye on him. He doesn't tell Osprey his name until chapter 4 but he does do an internal monologue in chapter 2 which will reveal his name. I'll tell you now, just 'cause I'm a nice author like that. His name is Y'Mal. <.< I've really got to put up the naming traditions under the "Other" thread, because no one will understand how much that tells you about him until I do...
Y'Mal is one of my favorite characters, actually. He's fun to chibify, and he allows me to add a level of zaniness to the comic, which otherwise couldn't be present. For example, he's the only charachter who could get away with cross dressing.
Not that I'd ever do that to him. This is just something I thought of in anticipation of my first fan art. The wonderful Mimi-chan wants to "bishify" Zanazei, and apparently this involves sticking the poor fire demon in a dress. We'll have to see how that turns out, personally I'd rather see Y'Mal in a dress (wouldn't he look cute in a kimono?) but Mimi-chan wants "Red" (her name for Zanazei -- so I tried to make him color co-ordinated, big deal!) to get stuck in frills and lace.
I realize that Y'mal really looks ugly in this first picture, however, he gets cuter in a puppy-dogish way as my art progresses. I promise.
Now that I've discussed yesterday's page with y'all, I should say that site stuff is going well. Chapter 1 is going to end soon, so hold onto your seats. I have the first three days of filler ready for you, and I'll be inking and coloring Chapter two as fast as possible. Chapter Two is longer than chapter 1, so I'll be working as hard as possible, to get it fully colored promptly.
Finally, here's my AMV recommendation: Avatar Evolution. The music is awesome, and the clips are so well timed that it makes me wish that I actually watched Avatar: The Last Airbender. I fear however, that the dialogue wouldn't be up to the hopes that this AMV has raised in me.

Willingly I accept. An interesting theme, I will take part. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.
What excellent topic
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